
Legend Stone LLC has a commitment to quality. That means that every order placed is guaranteed to be loaded and packed carefully onto pallets, preventing any breakage and maximizing your coverage. We have a loyalty to our customers that is stronger than most other stone suppliers. You’re guaranteed to get the stone you’ve paid for, without worrying about how much of it will be broken or poor quality, or receiving any trash rock from under the pile.

The foreman stationed at each of our quarries checks every load for quality and stays on top of scheduling. He allows us to deliver our shipments promptly and accurately, so that every order is correct and of the highest-quality.

Our sales team based in Texas helps to guarantee efficiency and communication throughout all of our customer service interactions. We frequently help meet our customers’ needs at the last minute, in case of any special accommodations they may require. Our salesmen are highly knowledgeable about our products as well as the stone industry overall, and they can help you with any questions you may have about the selection and ordering process.

We also have in-office staff ready to assist you in a friendly and open way. They know what questions to ask and what info to gather before accurately ordering the perfect natural stone selection for you.
Legend Stone LLC also offers credit terms for customers who may benefit. All you have to do is complete and sign our official credit application. Once our terms are met and your application is approved, you’ll be granted the credit.

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